Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Eve's Plan-D : Sneak a Peak!

Bro kirk Luehrs

Eve: So now, What's plan-D, Boss!?
Boss:Well, we are going to try phishing! We will have to create a webpage that looks exactly like the bank site!
Eve:Ah Okay. So last time when we hacked facebook passwords, we created a webpage similar to Facebook.This time our target is credit card numbers, so we'll be creating a ditto of the bank's login webpage!
Boss: Right! And then we will send emails to random users asking them to login!
Eve: And they are going to fall for the bait ? !Tut-tut, I wonder when these fools will get some sense and start looking for the sender's complete email ID and the login page's complete URL!
Boss:What would become of us if that starts happening! Stop thinking of it now and get to work. Remember, the fake webpage should have a script that saves all entered credentials onto our system!
Eve: Errr... I have drafted an email, Boss! Take a look!
Image from Wikipedia

Author: Haleemah Zia

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